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Deciding to see someone for counselling can be a daunting task, but in tackling life's challenges I believe there is wonderful potential for growth and fullness in wellbeing. It is important to keep in mind that counselling is not a magic pill or a quick fix but a collaborative process that requires active participation and investment. It is in being willing to make changes in thinking and behaviour that can bring life-altering results.

When we are no longer able to change a situation - we are challenged to change ourselves.

Viktor Frankl

Metamorphosis - cocoon to butterfly
Calm Sea


Psychologist Session

Individual Counselling

Individual tele-health (telephone or video) appointments. In these sessions we’ll work together to address issues important to you.

Plant Presentation


Supervision and mentoring for mental health professionals including those seeking general registration as a psychologist or a health psychology endorsement. 

Work Presentation

Information sessions

Presentations about a variety of topics available including: understanding grief and loss, dealing with stress, management of chronic conditions, improvement of life style factors from a psychological perspective.

Get in Touch

Please note that should you send a message through, I am only working limited days at the moment so there may be a delay in my response.

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